Since its creation more than 18 years ago, AFORPEL has been dedicated to raising awareness and recognition of borderline personality disorder throughout France. Even if the situation has improved thanks to our promotional actions with caregivers, this mood disorder is still too often confused with bipolar disorders, which can lead to errors in therapeutic care that are harmful to patients. Due to a lack of information, relatives also often feel helpless when it comes to managing tantrums, running away, scarification, suicide attempts, and excesses in all areas.

Every week, new people show us their support by joining or making donations to our association. I would like to express my thanks to them because it is thanks to them that we can be more efficient in the accomplishment of our mission.

Members or donors, relatives of borderline people, you can now actively participate in our mission by becoming ambassadors of AFORPEL.

Our specialists will give you the techniques and tools that will allow you to help borderline people get out of their loneliness by organizing discussion groups. If you wish, you can even lead information sessions to make caregivers in your region or department aware of the specificities of borderline personality disorder. We
We will provide you with the appropriate teaching tools.

If you wish to become an AFORPEL ambassador, contact Franck Lainé who is the vice-president in charge of this program.

A large number of regions still lack caregivers trained in the diagnosis and psychotherapeutic management of borderline personality disorder. We offer general practitioners and psychologists who wish to help us fill in the blank areas to integrate the directory of therapists by joining AFORPEL.
For these healthcare professionals, membership opens up free videoconference training as well as supervision sessions and exchanges of practices with borderline disorder professionals.

If you would like to join the team of AFORPEL therapists, fill out our membership form for professionals.

Borderline relatives, doctors and psychologists, join, make a donation, to support our action.

Pierre Nantas
President of AForPEL